Information in English
About the Journal
Since 2000, the Magyar Református Nevelés [Hungarian Reformed Education] (MRN) journal has been published primarily as a nationally distributed journal for teachers working in Hungarian Reformed public education and for members of Reformed congregations. From the very beginning, the mission of the journal was to serve the cause of Hungarian Reformed education, to be a mediating link between the actors of Reformed pedagogy, from kindergarten education to the higher education system.
Between 2012 and 2017, there were no financial or human resources to edit and publish the magazine.In autumn 2017, on the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, we relaunched it, now in digital format.
Our aim is that the articles published in the journal should be scientifically rigorous in both their wording and style, while at the same time serving the purpose of educational dissemination. In addition to peer-reviewed studies, workshops, reports and reviews may also be published in the MRN. We would like to provide a forum for all those involved in Reformed education, and we encourage and invite teachers and students of Reformed higher education, as well as practising teachers in public education institutions, to honour us with their manuscripts. Our journal has four thematic issues a year, but the Workshop and Reviews sections may be published outside these thematic areas.
For authors
The MRN Journal welcomes manuscripts from authors involved in or interested in Reformed public education. From 2019, the journal will be published both online and in print.
We cannot offer authors an honorarium, but they will receive an honorary copy of the issue containing their article. The planned themes and publication dates for the current year's issues of MRN can be downloaded by clicking on the button below.
Manuscripts are submitted via the Manuscript Submission Platform. To enter for the first time, you need to register with a working email address! Please note that if you are submitting a manuscript, a scanned version of the completed and signed Author's Declaration must be attached to the manuscript!
The language of the contributions is Hungarian, the abstracts of the papers are in English. The table of contents of the journal is also published in English.
Before submitting manuscripts, please consult the Author Information and Call for Papers on our website, as well as the Publication Guidelines.
Studies - papers relevant to the theme of the issue, with proper annotation and bibliography, are welcome. Studies are introduced by abstracts in English and Hungarian. The Studies section will be the first original publication of new research results. All papers will be peer-reviewed. Guidelines: minimum ½, maximum 1 author sheet (including spaces 20,000-40,000 characters).
Workshop - here you are invited to write about the theme of the issue, share good practices, or extracts or excerpts from theses, dissertations, doctoral dissertations, etc., that are more practical than the studies section, without notes, if applicable. Minimum length: ½, maximum 1 author sheet (including spaces 20,000-40,000 characters).
Reviews - Here we invite reviews of books and publications related to the theme of the issue. In all cases, please include the exact bibliographical details of the publication reviewed and send a high-resolution image of the cover of the publication. Guidelines for length: including spaces: approximately 10,000 characters.
Proofreading, formal requirements
The journal is published following a peer-review process. Manuscripts for the STUDIES section are peer-reviewed anonymously by two peer reviewers with at least a PhD degree in the field (double-blind peer review) according to a pre-defined set of criteria. The manuscripts of the members of the editorial board will be submitted for peer review in an anonymised form, following the same procedure as for external authors (a template for the peer review evaluation form can be downloaded here.) If the two peer reviewers' opinions are not in agreement, the editorial board will ask a third peer reviewer to review the manuscript. The Editorial Board reserves the right to carry out a preliminary proof-reading (plagiarism check) of all manuscripts received. In case of suspected plagiarism, publication will be refused.
The Editorial Board is made up of recognised experts with PhD degrees in the field of education or catechetics and religious education.
From 2024 onwards, we will make peer-reviewed papers available for download separately, with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Editorial Office at mrn.szerkesztoseg@reformatus.hu .